Rehabilitation Center “LANKA”

Rehabilitation Center LANKA is one of the directions of the association’s work that is focused on reducing the negative effects of war and helping ex-servicemen to return to a peaceful life.

The Center’s target group: veterans of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (including foreigners), active military personnel who suffered some injuries (or with other medical reasons for rehabilitation).

The center is a rented building near Kyiv with an area of 500 square meters where we have created conditions for comfortable living and quality leisure (learning languages, lectures, master classes, etc.), for receiving psychological help and physical rehabilitation that does not require special medical equipment (physical therapy, massage, acupuncture, etc.).

Each client of the Center has their own assistant who, depending on individual needs, helps overcome socialization issues and follow a personal rehabilitation plan.

Stay at the Center can be short-term (2-3 weeks) and long-term (up to 2 months). In some cases, services (socialization, medical care, etc.) can be provided at the place of residence in Kyiv.

The Center’s services are free.

You can apply by filling in the form

Submitted application does not guarantee that the services will be received, as it strongly depends on the availability of free places, the Center’s ability to provide the necessary assistance and the applicant’s expectations.

Rules of stay at the Center:

  • The address of the Center is confidential; it is forbidden to reveal the address, take photos of the Center’s facade as well as of the Center’s clients and its employees without their consent (foreign citizens may hide their affiliation to the Armed Forces of Ukraine);
  • In the Center, it is strictly forbidden to use alcohol, drugs, and any psychotropic medication without a doctor’s prescription;
  • It is allowed to invite friends and relatives to the Center only after the preliminary agreement with the Center’s management;
  • The use of the Center’s property must be careful; in case of any damage to the property, the Client must cover the costs;
  • If there are any conflict situations that interfere with the Client’s comfortable stay in the Center, the management must be immediately informed.