Kazimir Malevich’s book

In 2020, the public association “Zvyano” handed over Kazimir Malevich’s book “God is Not Cast Down: Art, Church, and Factory” to the Vitebsk Center of Modern Art. This is the first and so far the only original book by Kazimir Malevich in the Museum.

The book was written in Vitebsk in 1920, and the artist gave lectures on this topic. Although the posters of the time warned that this was unpopular knowledge, there were usually no empty seats.

With 2,000 copies published in Vitebsk in 1922, the book became a rarity. First, it was found in a private collection and an examination for authenticity was conducted. Then the activists of the association launched a crowdfunding campaign and raised funds to buy it.

Finally, the solemn transfer took place on February 23, 2020 in Minsk, on the birthday of Kazimir Malevich. Director of the Vitebsk Center of Modern Art Andrei Dukhovnikov received the book in the presence of donors and gave them an informal lecture about UNOVIS and Malevich.

The next day, the book returned to its historical homeland and is now stored in the Museum.