Rehabilitation program for ex-convicts

The rehabilitation program was launched in Minsk in February 2021; however, due to the start of the liquidation process of the organization, we were forced to close it after three months of work.

The rehabilitation program for ex-convicts is designed to:

• socialize people who have encountered difficulties in finding work and restoring contacts after release;

• assist in the implementation and protection of their rights and interests;

• promote tolerant, respectful and non-discriminatory attitudes in society towards former convicts.

Each person who has returned from prison has already served their sentence and has the right to regain respect for themself.

Ex-convicts can turn to us for psychological help and get advice from a social worker and a lawyer as well as sign up for courses to learn basic computer skills, learn how to use a computer and the Internet.

In our work, special attention will be paid to victims of torture. People who have been tortured can count on comprehensive rehabilitation, which includes social, legal, medical and psychological assistance.